Walk Gate and Fencing for a
Home in the Woods
fabricated steel to rust naturally
gate: 4' X 6" X 4' 4" tall
side fence panels: 4' tall
Design and Fabrication: :L:M:N:O: Arts
copyright 2006 :L:M:N:O: Arts
Drive Gate and Fencing for a
Home in the Woods
fabricated steel to rust naturally,redwood.
double leaf drive gate:12' X 6" X 5' 6"tall
side fence panels:43' X 4' tall
Design and Fabrication: :L:M:N:O: Arts
copyright 2006 :L:M:N:O: Arts
Drive Gate
Entry Arbor and Fence Panels
for a Home in the Woods
fabricated steel to rust naturally,redwood
arbor with 2 gates: 8' X 6" X 8' tall
side fence panels: 4' tall
Design and Fabrication: :L:M:N:O: Arts
copyright 2006 :L:M:N:O: Arts